• 1 / 2 kg of plain flour
• 1 tablespoon oil
• 250 ml of water
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 tablespoon spirit
• Cooking vegetable oil for frying the pastels
• 1 tablespoon oil
• 250 ml of water
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 tablespoon spirit
• Cooking vegetable oil for frying the pastels
• Filling:
• 250 g minced meat
• 2 hard boiled eggs
• 1 onion
• 1 clove garlic
• 1 tablespoon butter
• 100g pitted olives
• Parsley and chives
• Salt
• 1 pinch black pepper
1. In a bowl place the flour, oil, spirits and salt mixed with warm water
2. Stir with your hands, then knead well on a smooth surface
3. After kneading well, open portions of dough with the help of the roll (let the dough very thin) place the filling
4. Join the edges and press with the tip of a fork
• 250 g minced meat
• 2 hard boiled eggs
• 1 onion
• 1 clove garlic
• 1 tablespoon butter
• 100g pitted olives
• Parsley and chives
• Salt
• 1 pinch black pepper
1. In a bowl place the flour, oil, spirits and salt mixed with warm water
2. Stir with your hands, then knead well on a smooth surface
3. After kneading well, open portions of dough with the help of the roll (let the dough very thin) place the filling
4. Join the edges and press with the tip of a fork
1. Place meat in a pot and fry it, stirring until it goes completely dry and loose
2. That done, add the butter, onion and crushed garlic
3. Season the meat with salt and black pepper, add olives and eggs chopped into small pieces and a good amount of parsley and onion, thinly sliced
4. Cook the meat for another 2 to 3 minutes and then let it cool down
• 1/2 kg de farinha de trigo
• 1 colher de sopa de óleo
• Água para dar ponto, eu coloquei 250 ml!
• 1 colher de chá de sal
• 1 colher de sopa de aguardente
• Óleo para fritar
• Recheio:
• 250 g de carne moída
• 2 ovos cozidos
• 1 cebola
• 1 dente de alho
• 1 colher de sopa de manteiga
• 100 g de azeitona sem caroço
• Salsa e cebolinha
• Sal
• 1 pitada de pimenta do reino
1. Em um recipiente coloque a farinha, o óleo, a aguardente e o sal misturado com a água morna
2. Mexa com as mãos, e a seguir amasse bem sobre uma superfície lisa
3. Após amassar bem, abra porções de massa com auxílio do rolo (deixe a massa bem fina) coloque o recheio
4. Una as bordas e aperte com a ponta de um garfo
1. Coloque a carne em uma panela e leva ao fogo, vá mexendo até que fique completamente enxuta e solta
2. Feito isso, junte a manteiga, a cebola batidinha e o alho socado
3. Refogue bem, tempere com sal e pimenta-do-reino, acrescente as azeitonas picadinhas, os ovos em pedacinhos e boa porção de salsa e cebolinha verde, cortadas bem fininhas
4. Deixe por mais uns 2 a 3 minutos no fogo e coloque para esfriar