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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Cowley Road Carnival

Oxford's largest outdoor, completely free celebration, for a slice of Oxford's diverse and exciting urban community. 
The South Park was filled with four outdoor stages, family activities, global food stalls, a traders' village, the Carnival Procession and much more. It was good fun.
The Cowley Road Fiesta takes place yearly at the first weekend of July. It is very well organised and really good fun!

Cowley Road Fiesta e o maior festival ao ar livre de Oxford,para a sua diversificada comunidade.O festival e gratuito.
South Park haviam quatro palcos, atividades familiares, barracas de comida do mundo todo, o desfile de  Carnaval e muito mais. Foi bem divertido.
 O Cowley Road Fiesta ocorre anualmente no primeiro final de semana de Julho. É muito bem organizado e muito divertido!